Permissionless, decentralized exchange protocol ​with automated orders built on top of Stellar. It ​uses an off-chain order book to provide a ​platform with a risk engine, matching engine, ​shared asset pools, and settlement on-chain. Using ​automated orders opens infinite trading ​possibilities.


Issues we addres

  • DEX trading often comes with high ​gas costs, fees, and slippage.
  • Professional traders seldom use ​DeFi due to its lack of speed and ​liquidity.
  • Derivative DEXs lack white-label ​solutions.
  • Trading options are limited in their ​flexibility.

CLOB DEX - Permissionless, decentralized ​exchange protocol with automated orders built on ​top of Stellar. It uses an off-chain order book to ​provide a platform complete with a risk engine, ​matching engine, shared asset pools, and ​settlement on-chain. Using automated orders ​opens infinite trading possibilities.

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Spot Trading Designed for quick transactions, ​enhanced security, and ease of use, spot trading ​offers an array of features. Includes live updates on ​market trends, comprehensive lists of buy and sell ​orders, and visually intuitive trading diagrams.

Spot Trading

Perpetual Futures ​Trading

Perpetual Futures Trading is a sophisticated ​financial instrument that lets users speculate on ​the future value of an asset without requiring ​them to own the asset outright.

This method introduces the concept of leverage, ​allowing users to control more substantial ​positions.

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Automated orders

Resilience, Fairness, and ​Soundness

Automated orders are designed using ​formal methods. In this case, these ​methods can be used to ensure that ​the orders are resilient (able to ​withstand shocks and stresses), fair ​(equitable to all participants), and ​sound (operating as intended without ​errors or vulnerabilities).

Self-Auditing Trading ​Code

By defining the domain of all possible ​interactions and actions, the code that ​governs these automated orders can ​be designed to audit itself. This means ​it can monitor its operations to detect ​and correct errors or vulnerabilities, ​enhancing its reliability and ​trustworthiness.

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Version 2


Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Assets management*

Go to Live

Automated Orders

Trading Core*


Perpetual Swaps

Version 1

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